Update April 1, 2023

I am currently offering everything online.

I offer live online Circles of Connection. 

Get in touch at shana.l.klinger@gmail.com if you would like to participate in an existing circle or to explore co-creating a one-time or recurring circle for 4 or more people.  By donation.

Free on-demand online guided meditations listed below

Basic grounding in the body and warming the good heart (audio 28 min.)

Daily Rituals to Support Our Deepest Aspiration, 21 min. (video)


Past Classes

Cultivating the Heart-Mind

Click on the title of each event below for a flyer with more info.  Whether you attend(ed) or not, feel free to click on this link for handouts to see if there is a handout available for any past classes.  Also feel free to get in touch for a complementary consult regarding one-to-one sessions focused on brightening your heart-mind and aligning with your inmost values during these challenging times: shana.l.klinger@gmail.com


RELEASING SUFFERING:  Buddhist Meditations and Insights for Loosening the Grip of Identification with Thoughts, Emotions & Sensations 

Saturday, March 28 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, Motion Center Yoga Studio, 84 Fountain Street, Pawtucket, RI .


STOPPING:  A Meditation Mini-Retreat –  Meditating together to calm the mind & warm the heart, Saturday, January 25 from 1:00 to 3:30 PM at Motion Center Yoga Studio, 84 Fountain Street, Pawtucket, RI

Cultivating the Noble Heart in 2020 – Saturday, January 11 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, Motion Center Yoga Studio, 84 Fountain Street, Pawtucket, RI .

Keeping a Bright Heart in Dark Times: 

Buddhist techniques and insights
to transform ourselves and our world
Saturday, October 26, 12:30 to 3:30 PM
Motion Center Yoga, 84 Fountain Street, Pawtucket, RI

This workshop introduces four “protections” based on Buddhist insights, meditations and practices to help calm and brighten our hearts,
and to connect with our innate inner resources during troubled times.
• Setting and keeping inspired motivation and purpose
• Meditation for calming the mind and choosing where to place one’s attention
• Meditation for connecting with compassion for self and others
• Recognizing identification with thoughts, emotions and sensations

Space is limited – Register via shana.l.klinger@gmail.com
$40 to $60 sliding scale or whatever you can afford


Drop-In Meditation Classes – Fall 2019

The Relaxed Mind Meditations at Motion Center Yoga

1st and 3rd Sundays in October and November

October 6, October 20, November 3, November 17

 Three Sundays in September:   September 8, 15, 22

 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

(Please arrive between 3:45 and 3:55 PM)

Come to any class – no registration needed

All levels of experience welcome

Where: 84 Fountain Street, Pawtucket, RI

Suggested donation: $10 to $15/class or what you can afford

Questions:  contact shana.l.klinger@gmail.com

Drop-In Meditation Classes – June 2019

The Relaxed Mind Meditations at Motion Center Yoga

 Sundays:   June 16, June 23, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

(Please arrive between 3:45 and 3:55 PM)

All levels of experience welcome

Come to any class – no registration needed

Where: 84 Fountain Street, Pawtucket, RI

Suggested donation: $10 to $15/class or what you can afford

Questions:  contact shana.l.klinger@gmail.com


Cultivating Presence: Learn three meditative tools to listen with greater presence, caring, and awareness

Flyer here

Presence is a learned skill.  This workshop will include instruction in three meditative-based skills to enhance caring, awareness, and groundedness in the present moment when listening to others.  The skills are based on Buddhist practices and principles:

Calm –  Grounding in the present moment (concentration)

Kind –  Cultivating the good heart (compassion/loving kindness)

Clear –  Being aware of experience exactly as it is (mindfulness)

No prior experience with meditation needed

Appropriate for anyone who wants to listen with greater presence, caring and awareness; also appropriate for teachers, helping professionals, and therapists

Sunday, April 28, 2019, 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM

Registration required – Space is limited

$35 to $60 sliding scale

To register email shana.l.klinger@gmail.com or call 401-258-3056


Drop-In Meditation Classes – April 2019

The Relaxed Mind Meditations at Motion Center Yoga

Five Sundays, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

(Please arrive between 3:45 and 3:55 PM)

April 7, April 14, April 28

All levels of experience welcome

Come to any class – no registration needed

Where: 84 Fountain Street, Pawtucket, RI

Suggested donation: $10 to $15/class or what you can afford

Questions:  contact shana.l.klinger@gmail.com

Cultivating Presence for Therapists
Learn meditative tools to listen with greater presence, caring, and awareness
Friday, March 22 from 10 AM to 1 PM
To register email shana.l.klinger@gmail.com or call 401-258-3056
No prior experience necessary
Space is limited
$50 to $70 sliding scale
Providence/East Side Line Location


Saturday afternoon mini-retreat

With Meditations from The Relaxed Mind

February 23, 2019 from 1:30 to 4:00 PM

Appropriate for beginners and experienced meditators

Motion Center Yoga, 84 Fountain Street, Pawtucket, RI

Registration required – space is limited

$25 – $50 donation – or whatever you can afford

To register email shana.l.klinger@gmail.com or call 401-258-3056

To see schedule, click here

The following class is full and closed to registration


Creating a solid foundation in meditation

January 27 thru March 3

6 Sundays, 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Pre-registration required for the entire 6 week series. Space is limited

Contact shana.l.klinger@gmail.com

Suggested donation: $15 per class/$90 for series

The Relaxed Mind is a book describing a seven step method for deepening meditation practice as taught by Tibetan Buddhist master Dza Kilung Rinpoche. The first four of the seven meditations create a solid foundation for ongoing meditation practice and for connecting to calmness, relaxation, inspiration, and spaciousness of body and mind.

Each 90 minute class in this 6 week series offers instruction and explanation of the meditation technique, time to practice the meditation together, and opportunity for questions and answers. It is helpful, but not necessary, to read The Relaxed Mind during the class.



Energize your life, meditation or yoga practice

Saturday, January 5 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM

Motion Center Yoga, 84 Fountain Street, Pawtucket, RI

No registration required – Donation of $15 to $25 of whatever is affordable

Doors open at 2:45 – please arrive in time to settle in for 3 PM start

Each participant will learn to:
1) Create a personalized aspiration from the heart for 2019.
2) Identify and let go of that which may obstruct your aspiration.
3) Identify and energize that which will enact your aspiration.
4) Develop a brief routine (under 2 minutes) to connect with and put into practice your aspiration in terms of specific activities and relationships.

PLUS: A group meditation of loving kindness and compassion for ourselves and our world!



This four session series will explain basic Buddhist principles and insights, such as the Four Noble Truths, as they apply to our 21st century lives, as well as introduce four categories of meditation techniques:

  • calm (concentration);
  • kind (compassion, loving kindness and altruistic motivation);
  • clear (mindfulness)
  • and wise (living by choice and in alignment with one’s ethics and deepest understanding).

When:  November 4, November 18, December 2, December 16

3:30 to 5:00 PM

Where: Motion Center Yoga Studio, 84 Fountain Street, Pawtucket, RI 

Suggested Donation:    $60 to $100 for all four sessions or whatever you can afford

Pre-registration required.  To register for the series: contact shana.l.klinger@gmail.com or 401-258-3056

Click here for more details about this series hosted by Motion Center Yoga 



Cultivating Presence — Calm, Kind, Clear, Wise: Key Skills for Listening and Meditation

Five Wednesdays, September 26 – October 24, 2018

 7:00 to 8:30 PM, East Providence location

Each experiential class includes instruction, practice, dyads, and Q&A in

  • Caring presence while listening and in relationships
  • Simple meditative techniques for daily practice
  • Recognizing and counteracting triggers and reactivity

Click here for details of four essential skills we will learn and practice

 $12 to $25 per class or what you can afford

For registration or further info contact Shana.L.Klinger@gmail.com

Classes below are over.  Contact Shana.L.Klinger@gmail.com to be informed of future offerings.

Listening from Presence and Awareness: Introduction to Interpersonal Skills of “Calm and Clear”

Saturday, September 15, 12:00 to 2:30 PM

East Providence location – just over the Red Bridge

In this experiential workshop participants will learn and practice key skills of concentration and mindfulness (calm and clear) as applied to listening and relationships:

  • To stay grounded in the present moment when listening;
  • To recognize and counteract reactivity when it occurs;
  • To remain open so as to more deeply connect with and understand the experience of others.

Material exchange:  $25 to $50 or what you can afford

For registration or further info contact Shana.L.Klinger@gmail.com


Summer in the Park Series
Six Thursdays, June 21 – July 26
Walking Meditation – 7:00 to 7:30 PM
A Circle for Good – 7:45 to 8:15 PM
Come to either or all (drop-in) – Offered on donation basis
No experience necessary
Meet at South Corner of Lippitt Park on Hope Street, Providence


Cultivating Presence 
Calm, Kind, Clear, Wise:
Essential Skills for Meditation and Daily Life
Four Thursdays, May 10 – 31 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Material exchange:  $10 to $20 per class or what you can afford

The Relaxed Mind:   Connecting to calmness, clarity, and relaxation

6 Week Series – April 8 through May 13, 2018
Sundays, 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Providence/Oak Hill area

Meditation techniques:
1. Joining Body and Mind: Experiencing our physical body as the support and foundation for meditation, gently joining our body with mental awareness.
2. Calm Abiding: Using an object of attention to free ourselves from the disturbances of thoughts and to reach a state of calm and stability (shamatha).
3. Refined Basic Sitting: Calm evolves into clarity, relaxation, energy, and inspiration, providing a bridge to the experience of insight.
4. Insight Meditation: Seeing beneath the surface to the nature of all phenomena, with clarity and insight we understand things as they really are (vipassana).

This class is offered on a donation basis